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The FIRST  Game

FIRST RAPID REACT is 2022's FIRST Robotics Competition game. In the game there are two alliances with three robots each, The game is won by the alliance with the most points by the end of the game, points are acquired by scoring "cargo" to the "hub" and climbing on the "hanger". The game has 3 stages. In the "Autonomous" stage robots have 15 seconds to score as many "cargo" as they can using autonomous actions. In the "Teleoperated" stage robots have 1:45 minutes to score "cargo". In the "Endgame" stage robots can either keep scoring "cargo" or climb the "hanger" and earn an additional points.

The Year for Us​

2022 was our 7th year of operation. After a very rough 2021 season we were looking to start fresh and get back to the top. We started the season with twice the amount of team members than we had in 2021. In our first competition: ISR dis #2, we won the Innovation in control award and were the captain of alliance #1, winning the competition. In ISR dis #4 we won the Excellence in engineering award and made it to the finals as apart of alliance #5. Thanks to our success in dis #2 and #4, we made to the world championship in Houston, Texas, where we placed 28th in the Newton subdivision.

2022's Robot - Stardust


ISR dis #2:

Innovation in Control award

Rank #1- alliance #1 captain

Event winners

ISR dis #4:

Excellence in Engineering award

Rank #10- alliance #5 1st pick

Event finalists

ISR Championship:

Rank #7- Alliance #5 captain

FIRST World Championship:

Newton Division- Rank #28

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