The FIRST Game
2018's game included two three team alliances that tried to earn as many points as possible, controlling the switches and the scale by putting power cubes on your alliance's side of the switch or scale.
The game is divided to three periods. The first is the autonomous period when the robot operates independently, then the main game when the drivers operate the robot and the end game when the robot is still operated by the drivers but the period opens two more options to earn points, the first is parking in your alliances scale platform, and the second is climbing the scale.
The Year for Us​
2018 was the best year for us so far. It was the last year with the members who founded the team in 2016 so we started the year very experienced. We trained, studied, and practiced in the preparation season and we got to the building season ready to reach the stars.
In the competitions we reached amazing accomplishments in both the game and the awards. Our awards were the 4th district Chairman's award and the Carver Division's Engineering Inspiration award at world champs.
As for the game itself we got to the 16th rank in district #2, the second rank in district #4, the 10th rank in the Israel district championship, and the 4th rank in the Carver division at world champs.
ISR District #2- Excellence in Engineering Award
ISR District #4- District Chairman's Award and District Event Finalist​
Carver Division- Engineering Inspiration Award

2018's Robot - Longbow

Qualification Rank
ISR District #2- Rank 16
ISR District #4- Rank 2
ISR District Championship- Rank 10
Carver Division- Rank 4